Saturday, December 3, 2011

No more Cain!

As stated by Herman Cain earlier he is suspending his presidential campaign. So YES!!! no more 999 guy! which when turned upside down awkwardly makes 666 yet I don't think that is applicable and don't want anyone pursuing that possibility. Twas just an ironic coincidence! How the candidate's are dwindling! I did like the campaign ad by Perry however about his gaffe on forgetting something during the CNBC debate. If you happen to stumble across the finish line you've got my respect but not my allegiance Mr. Perry.

So Herman Cain wants to run or not run?

Well in real-time I'm about to find out!

I Think I will restart blogging here.

I believe I was too hasty to care about moving from here.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ok so how do we cut the budget?

We cut freakin ass Public Education from the governments yearly dinner ticket! Atleast thats wat Mr. Paul Brown Rep. Of Georga would lik to do so we can cut spending and rise the amount of cash we can spend from wat we dnt already have. Now i can understand cutting desert off the ticket but do we have to share the whole meal as a family of five? No we don't and hopefully this plan will never be considered!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mr. Santorum!

Alright so this guy Rick Santorum here now he's all im apart of the GOP along with our buddy John McCain. So Mr. Santorum got some manliness mustered to say hey partner your past doesn't mean crap to me. BUT Now our buddy Santorum has the guts to say he's sorry. Now I'm Pro-bama and no supporter of McCain or Majority of the GOP but when you dog on your own party that crudely. Now i see it nice that he's apologized but lets all take good look at how low he went to call TORTURE a good thing. Theres no place for laughing here.

Maniacal IPO

Today LinkedIn shot up over 50% its initial pricing! Sorry for all us who didnt get in on that deal.